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WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!




WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!
Yr4 Food chains - Coral reefs

Yr4 Food chains - Coral reefs

In this lesson pack for year 4 linking to the topics * Animals including humans*, pupils will learn about the ocean’s tropical forest, the coral reef. In this pack pupils will discover the coral reef is in fact both living and dead. They will make their own edible polyp and learn the importance of the coral polyp in the reef ecosystem. This pack is suitable to teach whilst social distancing rules apply as equipment is not shared. All pupils would need their own edible items and a dinner knife, teaspoon and bowl. This lesson pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan with cross-curricular links A PowerPoint presentation explaining coral reefs and food chains Instructions to make an edible polyp Extension information sheet - ten awesomely amazing coral reef residents Simple to resource! The items you will need: Bananas Gummy lace sweets Plain biscuits Sugar Cocktail sticks Green food colouring Bowls Teaspoons Dinner knife
Science: P3 Bird Bath

Science: P3 Bird Bath

An activity P3, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, focusing on what the animals in a local habitat need in order to survive. All animals need water, so pupils will design and make their own bird bath, considering where to place it, what to make it from and what local animals they are trying to attract. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Going places’ Differentiated design sheets Simple to resource! The items you will need: Bricks Bowls Gravel Small stones
P5 Science: Environmental Changes

P5 Science: Environmental Changes

This lesson pack for P5, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, explains how changes to the environment can cause danger to living things. Pupils will find out how oil pollution affects the feathers of migrating birds in a hands-on activity. They will also discuss the difficulties some female sea turtles face when they migrate back to beaches to lay their eggs. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining why animals migrate and the difficulties they face due to changes to their environment Printable instructions for the activity A PowerPoint presentation about migrating sea turtles A printable sheet to record ideas Simple to resource! The items you will need: Bowls Vegetable oil Feathers Water Washing-up liquid or soap Sponges Pencils Tablespoons
Yr3 science lesson on Forces

Yr3 science lesson on Forces

In this lesson pack for year 3, linking to the topic Forces, pupils will make a paper dinosaur and discover how it can walk down a ramp. They will then try it out on different surfaces to see whether friction makes a difference to how it walks. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation Printable instructions for the activity Differentiated results table Instructions for an extra activity to make a nodding dinosaur. Simple to resource! The items you will need: Books Scissors Cardboard or wood to make a ramp Different materials to cover the ramp; for example, sandpaper.
P3 science glue investigation

P3 science glue investigation

An investigation for P3, linking to the topics properties and uses of substances. Pupils will follow a simple recipe to make their own glue and then test it against some other sticky ingredients. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Sticky situation’ Printable instructions to make the glue Differentiated printable results tables Simple to resource! The items you will need: Flour Sugar Vinegar Washing-up liquid Honey Measuring jug Spoon Bowl
P6 Science Drip Investigation

P6 Science Drip Investigation

This lesson pack for P6, linking to the topicproperties and uses of substances is a hands-on investigation where pupils will learn how art and science are linked. They will try to create their own Jackson Pollock-inspired painting by investigating the best liquid to add to ready-mixed paint. Pupils will make a class hypothesis, discuss variables and take repeat readings, working out the mean result. This downloadable pack includes: A lesson plan complete with differentiation and links to the curriculum. A PowerPoint presentation which explains how art and science are linked. Instructions to set up the investigation for lower ability pupils. Simple to resource! The items you will need: ready-mixed paint A3 paper Thick cardboard larger than the paper A variety of liquids to add to the paint Stopwatches
year 5  Science Drip Investigation

year 5 Science Drip Investigation

This lesson pack for year 5, linking to the topic properties and changes of materials is a hands-on investigation where pupils will learn how art and science are linked. They will try to create their own Jackson Pollock-inspired painting by investigating the best liquid to add to ready-mixed paint. Pupils will make a class hypothesis, discuss variables and take repeat readings, working out the mean result. This downloadable pack includes: A lesson plan complete with differentiation and links to the curriculum. A PowerPoint presentation which explains how art and science are linked. Instructions to set up the investigation for lower ability pupils. Simple to resource! The items you will need: ready-mixed paint A3 paper Thick cardboard larger than the paper A variety of liquids to add to the paint Stopwatches
P3 Science Insects

P3 Science Insects

This lesson pack for P3, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, focuses on how to identify insects from other minibeasts. Pupils will learn the features of an insect and then create their own sock insect (no sewing required!). Pupils will choose which insect they would like to make from a selection of images which show their features clearly. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Incredible insects’ Printable instruction sheet for a sock butterfly. A4 insect images and smaller images Instructions to make a pooter A ‘spot the odd one out’ activity Simple to resource! The items you will need: Old socks Pipe cleaners Buttons Glue Scraps of fabric or felt Stuffing (from an old pillow, cotton wool, or old fabric strips)
P5 science lesson on food chains

P5 science lesson on food chains

In this lesson pack for P5, linking to the topic Biodiversity and interdependence, pupils will learn about food chains and what the role of the producer, prey and predator is. They will make their own food chain using cardboard tubes. This lesson pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan with cross-curricular links A PowerPoint presentation explaining food chains Instructions to make food chain animals tubes Whole class food chain game Pictures to support lower ability learners Simple to resource! The items you will need: Cardboard tubes from kitchen rolls Scissors Sticky tape Glue Paper and pens
P4 and P5 science lesson on climate change

P4 and P5 science lesson on climate change

In this lesson pack for P4 and P5, pupils will learn about climate change. They will learn in simple terms what the greenhouse effect is and how it is contributing to the climate crisis. Included in the pack is an experiment to do as a whole class, demonstrating the greenhouse effect. This pack includes: A PowerPoint presentation explaining climate change A lesson plan A flow chart to help pupils find a way to help solve the climate crisis A printable climate pledge
Science: Dissolving teeth

Science: Dissolving teeth

This lesson pack for year 4 and P5, linking to the topics Animal including humans and body systems and cells, contains an observation over time enquiry. Pupils will put egg shells (which represent teeth) into three different liquids and observe what happens to them over a week. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation explaining what a tooth contains and how they can be damaged Printable instructions for the enquiry Simple to resource! The items you will need: Eggshells Three different liquids Glasses
Lesson on seeds Year 3

Lesson on seeds Year 3

In this lesson pack for year 3 , linking to the topics plants , pupils will learn how trees reproduce and about seed dispersal. They will make a hypothesis, collect different winged seeds and carry out a comparative test. This lesson pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan with cross-curricular links A PowerPoint presentation explaining the different variables and how to carry out a comparative test Differentiated results tables A pocket tree guide Simple to resource! The items you will need: Tree seeds Stopwatches
science lesson seeds P4

science lesson seeds P4

In this lesson pack for P4, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, pupils will learn how trees reproduce and about seed dispersal. They will make a hypothesis, collect different winged seeds and carry out a comparative test. This lesson pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan with cross-curricular links A PowerPoint presentation explaining the different variables and how to carry out a comparative test Differentiated results tables A pocket tree guide Simple to resource! The items you will need: Tree seeds Stopwatches
P5 Shadow investigation science lesson

P5 Shadow investigation science lesson

This lesson pack for P5, Linking to the topic vibrations and waves sets up an investigation for your class. Pupils will make a shadow and see how it changes when they move it away from the light source. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation with instructions Printable results table Printable Stone Age shadow puppets Simple to resource! The items you will need: A2 paper Rulers Card Torches
P5 Science: Chocolate investigation

P5 Science: Chocolate investigation

This lesson pack for year P5, linking to the topicproperties and uses of substances, is an investigation about chocolate. Pupils will set up a comparative test to answer a question. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation setting up the lesson A results table Simple to resource! The items you will need: Chocolate Stopwatches Thermometers Cupcake cases
Science: The Water Cycle

Science: The Water Cycle

This lesson pack for year 4, linking to the topic states of matter , is a practical lesson based on the water cycle. Pupils will make their own water cycle using a few everyday items. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation setting up the lesson Instructions Simple to resource! The items you will need: Jam jars Ice
Science: Evaporation Yr4 and P5

Science: Evaporation Yr4 and P5

This lesson pack for year 4 and P5, linking to the topics states of matter and properties and uses of substances, is an investigation about evaporation. Pupils will set up a comparative test to answer a question. This pack contains: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation setting up the lesson Simple to resource! The items you will need: Bowls the same size Rulers Thermometers
P4 Science Skeleton: ball and socket joint

P4 Science Skeleton: ball and socket joint

An investigation for year 3 linking to the topic animals including humans. Make no bones about it, this lesson about the skeleton will demonstrate anatomy in action! Pupils will discover how a ball and socket joint helps us to move by making one of their own. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan which includes a scientific explanation of how a ball and socket joint works A PowerPoint presentation explaining how a skeleton moves Printable instructions Three guided reading spreads: Interview with an orthopaedic vet, sensational female scientist Marie Curie and how an X-ray machine works Simple to resource! The items you will need include: A small funnel Plasticine or clay Cooking oil Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P6 Science: Investigate air resistance

P6 Science: Investigate air resistance

An investigation for P6, linking to the topic Forces. Pupils will have fun creating simple straw planes and then devising their own investigations. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan. A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Up, up and away’, which explains how planes fly. A group planning sheet. Three guided reading spreads: The Wright brothers, how drones work and ‘Would you fly in a plane without a pilot?’ Simple to resource! The items you will need: Paper straws Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
P6 Science: particle size investigation

P6 Science: particle size investigation

Linking with the topics properties and changes of materials and properties and uses of substances, this is an investigation for P6. Pupils will plan and carry out their own experiments to see which vitamin tablet (a whole one, one broken into small pieces and a crushed one) dissolves the fastest in water. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan with a scientific explanation A PowerPoint presentation A printable table for recording Two guided reading spreads: Interview with a nanotechnologist and sensational scientist Richard Feynman Simple to resource! The items you will need: Vitamin tablets Freezer bag Rolling pin Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.